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2004-03-01 - 3:01 p.m.

I slept for 13 hours last night, which I needed, I think, because my two day ol flu seems to be subsiding. Now I just have a horribly swollen throat, the kind in which you can't swallow without bracing yourself.

My drive home was riddled with calamity. I left Richland at 1 in the morning, only to spend one hour driving in what I thought was the right direction, until I get to the entry gate of a nuclear facility, and was stopped by a frightening man in camouflage. But, through back tracking and semi-frantic phone calls to friends, I found my direction. Becoming dangerously sleepy, I pull over and slept away 4 hours in the parking lot of a Denny's. It was cozy. I had some chick o sticks, a soda betwixt my legs, my rain slicker over my face. Upon waking, I drive for about 30 minutes before I stop for breakfast at some country diner buffet. I get back on the freeway, and though I don't know it, I am driving in the bad direction for about 1.5 hours. West, not East, which is a problem. So, I backtrack that 1.5 hour, and pull over in the town that I ate breakfast at, and slept in the parking lot of the diner. I was sleepy again? Yes, again. Woke up after a couple of hours, and found out that I had the shakes, and that sensitive skin feeling. Flu Mother City. I forced myself to drive even though my head was spinning, and my body was hurting. I was being such a baby. Sorter funny to think about, now. Me, just driving hunched over the wheel, and sobbing phrases like: "Oh, I don't want to drive!" and "I want to die!". What a baby. Finally made it home at 4 something in the afternoon. The End.

Every time, this happens.