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2004-04-19 - 7:20 p.m.

I am packing up all of my clothes. This is the insane part. So many shoes that need getting rid of. So many shoes that look the same! What in hell am I thinking all of the time? Two pairs of red high heels. 17 pairs of flip flops, two of them grey, two of them black, three of them blue. So many pairs of black ballet style flats that my head is spinning. Three pairs that are metallic gold. Two pairs of velcroed diesel trainers. So much white. Just excessive. So excessive. No balanced person has a shoe collection like this. And hardly any of them fit! They all either pinch, or slide, and this is the drawback of the thrift store shoe. The pair that your heart sets it's sights on, only comes in one size. And you'll have that pair, even if it means that you can only look at them. Straight creep. That is Rachael, me.

I'm going to pack up all of my clothes, except for one functional dress, and wear it every day from here until I move.

i will even sleep in it.