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2004-04-24 - 9:21 p.m.

I can swing on a swing for remarkable stretches of time without getting even a little bored. When the swing starts jouncing because you have gained too much momentum, sometimes that can be scary, but this evening, I thought that I really wouldn't care if the swing went bust because it would be a really good way to end my life. But then 'What if it only resulted in paralysis? Then, you would live the rest of your life in tragic irony, wishing that you could be swinging.'

Swinging is heady, you can feel your muscles work in unusual ways. Your lowest stomach gets taut and pulls you up, your thighs stretch out further than they are ever called on to stretch, and when retreating, the back of your thigh contracts with pleasant twinges of pain.

Now that my thoughts on swinging this evening have been pondered and preyed on, I know that I must be ovulating. The daily doings become injected with sexuality.

I can no help it.