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2004-08-13 - 9:30 a.m.

The prospect of growing fingernails is a foreign one to me, but one that I am thinking of exploring. Can you imagine having a fingernail that clicks? One of the first laws of Paulette Richard's Suzuki Studio was trim nails, as overgrowth tapped the keys. I didn't have any hesitations with this, but what I did have a problem with was slumping over the board, and to tell you the honest truth, it's still a problem.

Anyhow, what I find myself in the midst of, is a fairly large diet coke, which is one of my fouler cravings. Dating, I believe, back to the days when I worked at Hewlett Packard and started my mornings off with fountain coke from the cafeteria. These were the days of eating without abandon, mind you, the days when I would order two full orders of cheese raviolis along with the loaves of bread and side salads that came with them, just because they were half off. The true story is that I downed all of it, and finished some of Rachel H's on top. The days of my wolfish metabolism are gone, however, and so diet soda in the morning is some sort of crazy concession, I guess. Lord knows i'm going to drink soda all day, but if I start it off with a diet, i'm doing alright. It is, of course, disgusting. Also, I just realized, something my mother does as well.

I am embroidering a t-shirt to say Wolfgang in the middle of individual tulips already on the shirt. Did you know that Mozart actually said this: "who are you that you might not want to kiss me?" to royalty when he was just a tiddy child? He did, and I can't all but love him.

Oh, wolfie