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2004-11-01 - 11:50 a.m.

Halloween, why do you want to leave me feeling like a motherless child? I've always taken you seriously; counted you among my top 3 holidays, anticipated your arrival with mirth, and consistently; you beat me about the neck and shoulders. But look at me, here I am making this out to seem like something remarkably foul happened when it isn't the case. It was a legitimate Halloween experience; I wore some fangs for a little while, watched a Prince cover band, indulged. I guess the problem is my expectations and not your reality, Halloween. To be fair.

I am surrounded by glass walls on the 20th floor in the fog, so my life feels oceanic right now. Especially convincing is that the only building that is tall enough for me to see from here, looks like a concrete light house. They have window walls too.

Last night Noah described my apparel aesthetic as "quirky school marm on the town". Earlier, Rebecca had pointed out a woman dressed as some sort of educator or secretary and said: "Look, that woman is dressed as you." I really like being pin-pointed and pigeon-holed, as a general rule, Honest Lee. It makes me feel safe up in here.

I just realized how crazy Vermillinon.Violet's set was last night. I guess you can't but pull out all possible stops when you're in a Prince cover band. But come on dog, I think Prince draws the line at causing audience members physical harm.

Then again, he is the expert, not me.