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2005-03-26 - 2:41 a.m.

I think one of my ultimate qualifiers is a funny person. I want pretty much only funny people in my arms. You don't have to be a master of physical comedy or anything, but let's be on the ball about things, guys. I thought a lot about this on my drive.
Other things I thought about:
~Chocolate Chip Bagels
~Why 'The Getty Address' is one of the most perfect albums I've heard up til now.
~Who will be surrounding me when I die, or if i'll die alone.
~Taking notice of the rail cars, and recognizing the names on them, and feeling affection for them.
~I want to make books for the little kids so that they are in them.
And so I will leave you with a quote:
"If you can't laugh with me, then please laugh at me. And if you won't laugh at me, then would you get me a bagel sandwich?"
-Ray Romano**

**Rachael Jensen