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2005-06-07 - 12:55 a.m.

At the thrift shop, upon entry, I was smitten with a squinty-eyed lad wearing a turquoise jacket.
This is fairly unheard of for me, so of course I am agonizing about it the whole time I'm in the store. I placed myself in strategic locations, up to what I would guess to be five times. In his general location.
Rebecca offered to pay me 10 dollars if I would talk to him, and with that deal the idea of approaching this pretty stranger became slightly realistic, and I had a panic attack.
So I don't have to tell you that I never spoke to him, but we did have hypothetical encounters, Rebecca and I in my car.
I told her that when I see somebody whom I find to be attractive, my first instict is to get mean. I will go out of my way to make sure they know I will never make eye contact with them.
This led to my favorite scenario, which is where I use this bitter facade to my advantage, and approach the person in the name of confrontation. I assail this person with my inflammatory accusations, and callous disregard, until they are provoked to take similar measures against me.
That's when I make my move, and disdainfully tell him to calm his ass down, and does he "want to get a McFlurry with me, or what?"
Anyways, I mused over what nationality this person must be, he couldn't be American. I narrowed it down to either Czechloslovakian, or Icelandic, and coined him "Novi" for the further scenarios that ensued.

Later, I decided it was Hrusosky- "Dwells near the Pear Tree"