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February 09, 2040 - 4:56

Invitingly: "Come hail, come high-water. "

At a free event, with complimentary beverages and food, I somehow managed to spend 10 dollars last night. Count into that the fees accrued from the foreign ATM, and that's 14 'spent'. I have been good this week with not buying anything, not even lunch.
But openly telling a secret gaining me the *temporary moniker '20-seconds Jensen' from Steve, sobbing in public on Zac's shoulder, and in general disobeying tact.
I was this close to visiting a nude beach today.
We settled on the wholesome Sauvie Island, though Kryustus tried to talk Sarah and I through our '"what if I get creeped out?"'s. I'm sorry human race, but I'm not ready for that kind of love.
Marmion, you are self-aware and very brave.
And of course I have not seen even close to enough. Although there were three special visions at the beach today- Pug dogs wearing life jackets! One was named after a famous Spanish pirate because he is missing an eye. Another, Gizmo I recall, was eating hand-fed potato chips and staring me down with his wall-eyes. All I could do was convulse and grip whatever was near.
Krystal said to one of them after barking at her while she was lounging,
"I'm not here to apologize for anything." and almost flipped him off.
