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February 13, 2040 - 4:46

I am being called on, I think.

A case made from the example of events occuring on 7/25:

For some time I have felt an affinity towards one girl in particular. Ever since years ago, when I inhaled her rose musk & sweat. I understood that she was like me, were I on psychedelics. I understood that she was like me if I were braver. I have never tried to meet her.
On Monday she performed. I was directly in front of her in the first ring of the semi-circle. She settled on her knees, her head level at my hip's latitude. During her song, I became spiralled deep in my notions of affinity. Rebecca clutched my arm because she knew what I was feeling. These were the same songs, in the same foreign-language, that I sing in the bath-tub. These are the same wails recorded on my grandmother's karaoke machine with the echo on. These are the same songs I will never show to anyone.
The difference between my self-appointed doppleganger and I, is that she is DOING it. Doing IT well and proudly, on her knees in front of me. So I had to get out of there.
Late that night at 2 AM, my safety was threatened by a stranger.
Initially he beckoned me "You are too pretty to be working on a car.", and terrified, I played my silent game. As his yells got louder and angrier "Get over here.", I was finally moved to scream "NO. NO. NO." many times over, petrified and still.
Through my NO's, I remained just as present a victim, because of my reluctance to just move.
And I didn't move until his violent anger propelled him to take physical action, and I responded-I ran very ungracefully. Why didn't I move of my own intuition? Rather, why did I defy my intuition by remaining stupefied?
In front of me right now a path is gestured at, if nothing else. There is the prospect of a freedom that could be mine if I act on my own promptings, and not react to the last violent shove of another.

I can do it.