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August 22, 2005 - 10:27

Yesterday, on the morn of her 4th birthday, Lily chanted in her sleep:
"Two pink, two pink clean, two pink and purple clean ones. I want two pink and purple clean ones."
Granted, she is 4, and she and all of her peers are eccentric as hell.
But please, just grant me a couple of mid-20's like Lily. I would never let them go, I would say everything I thought without hesitation and consideration of my audience, I would squeeze their throats playfully. I would wring their hands and look at them to form soundless words, and they would know what I meant. Without fear of ostracism, I would do It (break down at breakfast because I have just named my toast, and consequently feel monsterous when I still decide to eat it).
Give me 4 years old's with the mental capacity to collect their thoughts and question why they do the things, and then we could talk about it. Give me a friend who understands my grocery list talk. Yes, it is a list of words, but all the same they would know what I needed when they read it.
Also, I wish I were Shelley Duvall for many reasons. A new one is that if I were, Rob would have asked me out on a date in 1977.

And I wasn't even born in 1977.