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September 23, 2005 - 1:38

Have you ever heard that theoretically, Jesus would have died from suffocation, not blood-loss? Because of the positioning of his arms above his head for so long. It's also possible that I made it up.
But what if I died that way, just reaching above my head for days until I gave up all my air? The background information is that I am trying to suspend a lamp shade marionette style from my ceiling, standing on my clothes hamper.
On my bike this morning, I chanted silently, over and over, "Why is it getting harder, not easier?" in regards to my ability to go up-hill on a bike with no gears. It is, getting harder every day. "Things are supposed to get harder before they get easier", but what if something started off easy, and then gets hard? "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger." Sure. OK.
I know how I feel about it, right now, and I'm getting really close to saying fuck it.

It feels big enough to burn out on.