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December 06, 2005 - 9:07

Yesterday, Lily performed a dance piece for me over the phone. She put the phone on the ground so that I could hear her feet, and her counting off steps. It was nice.
And they make an "extra creamy" Kit Kat bar, and to me it tastes like egg-nog. It's great.
I won't drink egg-nog, even though it tastes good. The girl at Sarah's Thanksgiving compared drinking egg-nog to drinking mayonnaise, and I agree. Drinking egg, it's unacceptable.
"Let's face it: The holidays can be stressful and trigger depression in some people. Here's now to enjoy this special time and keep smiling.
Keep it simple. It's easier to see the glass as half full if it's not too big.
Brighten the future.Bake casserole dishes ahead of time.
Keep festive company.Optimism is contagious. Catch it!
Smile at everyone you meet. Research shows that even faking a smile can brighten your mood."

From the company holiday leaflet.