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January 09, 2006 - 11:12

Had a very intense discussion with my mother over croisann'wiches at Burger King this morning. Believe me, this morning was not the first time we have stripped down to brass tacks over fast food breakfast. I realized half-way through, that she and I talked of almost nothing except our eating habits. I addressed this, and other things.
On a related note, at the mall she said: "Remember, you can only step on the big tiles." as we were walking. The absent-minded ocd that stays with me can pretty blantantly be traced back her. Not that I'm complaining, but it was sort of condoned. I remember telling her as a kid, about how I need to count every stair I step on, and she validated this behavior as a rational one that she too performs. The list goes on. Really, not that I'm complaining. But it seems like something a parent might want to nip in the bud, before it gets worse. Mine hasn't really worsened, but it's different now. Like, I don't count stairs. However.
I paid for two full price movies yesterday. Walk the Line, and Pride and Prejudice. I liked Johnny Cash story surprisingly well. But I couldn't get past Elizabeth Bennett's dumb looking face throughout the bulk of P & P. Sore subject.

That woman's got bulldog jaw, or something.