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January 16, 2006 - 11:16

If I was-

-a month, I would be: October

-a day of the week, I would be: Friday

-a time of day, I would be: 8 PM

-a planet, I would be: If I have to choose I guess I'd say Earth, because I understand some of it's people's language. I don't know shit about planets.

-a direction, I would be: East, only because I'm partial to words that have the sound ~east in them. i.e. yeast, beast. Sounds good to say.

-a historical figure, I would be: Leif Erikson. Wait, today I'm saying Martin Luther King Jr., propers.

-a liquid, I would be: sweat

-a tree, I would be: birch in the winter

-a plant, I would be: lily pad

-a flower, I would be: magnolia

-kind of weather, I would be: overcast

-a musical instrument, I would be: harpsicord

-an animal, I would be: an owl, those guys have got it all.

-a color, I would be: chestnut

-a fruit, I would be: apple

-a sound, I would be: breathing sounds near the ear

-an element, I would be: I would hope to be water

-a song, I would be: Edelweiss, or "Sometimes I feel like a Motherless Child."

-a book, I would be: EAP's "Four Beasts in one- the Homo-cameleopard"

-a food, I would be: burrito, because I like them, not because I sympathize with them.

-a place, I would be: Enchanted Forest

-a word, I would be: Oh.

-a scent, I would be: wet cedar

-a body part, I would be: torso

-an object, I would be: a small wooden box

-a facial expression, I would be: A brow so furrowed that fellow grade schoolers mock me as having uni-brow.

-a cartoon character, I would be: Batman (I wish.)

-a psycholological disorder, I would be: inferiority complex

-a state of mind, I would be: indifference

-an event, I would be: Retirement

-a religion, I would be: Mormonism

-a number, I would be: no.9

-an occupation, I would be: scullery maid

-a sensation, I would be: stroking

-an organ, I would be: arm-pit

-a mythological being, I would be:
Zeus' good friend

-a spiritual entity, I would be:
Ghost of Christmas past

-a dream, I would be: mostly dialog based, people hanging out running errands

-a drug, I would be: E

-a feeling, I would be: bemused

-a mineral, I would be: oil

-a religious icon, I would be: the harpoon that would kill Moby Dick

-an art form, I would be: collage

-a symbol, I would be: @

-a constellation, I would be: I would be the tent that kids get to visit at school, where all the constellations are painted on my interior.
