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February 02, 2006 - 3:03


100. My middle name is: LeAnne

99: I was born on: January 5th, 1984.

98. I am: deflated, and faking the after-glowering of a migraine.

97. My eye color is: Brown.

96. My shoe size is: the average 8.5

95. My ring size is: I once accused my dad of comparing my fingers to Vienna Sausages, then we remembered that it was me who said that to him, and we shared a laugh. But I have the young female version of his fingers. This is all the information I have to tell you about my "ring size".

94. My height is: 5' 6.5".

93. I am allergic to: Knife wounds.

92. I live in: an apartment with Sean.

91. The last book I read: The Tin Drum.

90. My bed is: a decoy. Really, it's a catch-all, and the frame is for camping.

89. Are boys stupid: What?

88. I am glad I'm my sex because: I'm sort of not that glad about it.

87. My favorite Holiday is: my birthday.

86. The perfect kiss is: putting your mouth flush on someone else's, and mouthing words. Kissing one small part of someone's mouth.

85. The last three CD's I bought are: I don't remember.

84. Last song that made me cry was: Peppermint.

83. My most treasured possession(s) is(are): Charlie's collar, my Popeye soundtrack, letters

82. What did you do last night: nice things, sushi train, the fucking gym

81. My skin's reaction to the sun is (tan/burn): Sweating. I very rarely burn, but sometimes I get very tan before I even know it.

I Do/Do Not Believe In:

80. Santa? I've seen him so many times. I don�t even understand how these people get off denying it.

79. Love at first sight? No, not really. I believe there's strong affinity to be felt in initial interactions.

78. Luck?: It's mental.

77. Fate?: Everybody has a fate, dog.

76. God?: It's possible.

75. Aliens?: ""

74. Heaven?: ""

73. Hell?: ""

72. Ghosts?: ""

71. Horoscopes?: Full of holes.

70. Soulmates?: I like to think that you will meet "soul mates" in your life, and that there is divinity in human's interactions. But I don't think there is ONE ultimo soul mate for everybody.

69. Fortune Cookies?: I used to sit behind the counter at House of Kim, and eat the broken fortune cookies for dinner. A good memory.

Which is Better?

68. Hugs or Kisses? Depends.

67. Drunk or High:

66. phone or online: Depends

65. Red heads or Black hair?: Black Hair

64. Blondes or Brunettes: Brunettes

63. Night or Day: Night.

62. Oranges or Apples: apples.

61. Curly or Straight hair: curly.

Here's What I Think About...

60. Abortion? If you want to.

61. Back stabbers? Should be prepared to explain themselves.

58. Parents? Love me by default, but also believe they love me because they like me.

57. School?: is the answer to all of my problems.

Last time I...

56. Kissed someone: I used my damn mouth.

55. Last time I hugged someone: I used my arms.

54. Seen someone I haven't seen in a while: Kris Doty, about 3 weeks ago.

53. Grew: It seems like not that long ago I was 5' 5.5". (See #94)

52. Who's the ditziest person I know: I don't know many ditzy people.

51. Who makes you laugh the most: Ali G, or maybe Sarah Silverman.

50. One thing I'm pissed about right now is: nothing. I guess I'm sort of pissed that my stomach hurts for no good reason.

49. The last movie I saw in the theater was: Munich.

48. The thing I don't understand is: What's up with D�j� vu?

47. The most unsatisfactory answer I've ever received was: Silence, I guess?

46. The one thing I love about the opposite sex is: that some of them are pretty cool.

45. This summer I am: going to make good decisions.

44. Something I will really miss when I leave home is: my plate shelves.

43. The thing that I'm looking forward to the most: why do you keep asking me questions about dying?

42. Tomorrow: Elijah will be in town.

41. Today: I feel wild in the brain.

40. Next Summer: I will feel too hot, and wish that it were fall.

39. Next Week: will hopefully be nice.

38. People call me: Rach

37. The person I have been good friends with the longest is: is it cheesy to say my sister? Yeah, I'm sorry.

36. The person who knows the most about me is?: That's rough.

35. The person that can read me the best is: I don�t know.

34. The most difficult thing to do is: convince somebody of something.

33. I have gotten a speeding ticket: because I was speeding.

32. I have the following siblings: Jeremy, Lindsey, Elijah, Noah.

31. My zodiac sign is: Capricorn

30. The first person I thought I was in love with was: Chris Ybarguen.

29. The one person who can't hide things from me: If I asked a young enough child "Tell me something you wouldn't tell to anybody else." they'd probably do it, cause kids say the damndest things. To everybody else, you've got your right to hide, and don't let me stop you.

28. Right now I am talking to: No one.

27. I have a job at: an insurance company called "Magna Carta".

26. I have these pets: Nobody.

25. I hope: that things will work out well for me in the end.

24. The worst sound in the world: a kidd grown enough to know better, who is wailing in public.

23. The person that makes me cry the most is: Depends, but on average, probably my mom.

22. California or New York: New York, I guess.

21. Florida or Hawaii: No thanks.

20. My favorite piece of clothing is: a dress.

19. My favorite sport to play: tennis or basketball.

18. Last time I cried: I worried that it wasn't OK for me to be crying.

17. The school I go to is: n/a

16. Last person I got pissed at: I draw a blank when you say "pissed". But I would say that I am irritated at co-worker Susie Kieper, who keeps sending me e-mails like her work is higher priority than filling out this obscenely long survey.

15. My worst drinking experience was: when I had my broken arm percocet and alcohol in my system at the same time. I've never passed out before, but that time, I knew if I dozed off I would probably pass.

14. The all-time best movie is: Popeye.

13. The all-time best thing in the world is: L.O.V.E., am I right?

12. The most annoying thing ever is: Not being able to communicate what you're thinking.

18. The most annoying person you know is: Pussies

11. I lose all respect for people who: I got at least a slight amount of respect for all ya'll. Taking certain things into account.

10. The movies I have cried at are: In the theatre, Dancer in the Dark. Most recently I cried at Happiness. As a kid I used to cry at movies all the time, especially Where the Red Fern Grows. The death of a dog was the most real and terrifying pain to me.

9. The worst pain I was ever in was: I've been lucky, as far as physical pain. The worst was probably when my leg got stuck in the boat propeller, but even then I was in shock for the worst of it.

8. My favorite phrase: What do you want from me?

7. My room has: no overhead lighting.

6. My favorite celebrity is: Zooey Deschanel.

5. My weakness is: coffee and sugarey things.

4. What turns me on: noises, sentiment

3. Who broke your heart: No one.

2. I filled out 100 questions because: I like it when you ask me questions about myself.

1. What do you regret the most: 'Mishandling things that I care about', pretty neatly blankets all the missteps that I would take back if I could.