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February 09, 2006 - 2:34

I made myself crazy from drinking too much water in too little time today. It gave me what felt like the sapling stages of a body flu. Chills, shakes, hot face. My hands were visibly shaking while I held the folder out to my boss, and when he asked why, I had to tell him that I drank 100 ozs of water (in 1/2 hour). I had to start early, because my goal was to drink 300. And I won't make it today, but tomorrow, I will pace myself and try again. The point of this challenge is flippant.
I've still got the real docile sensuality, like I do when my body's weak from sickness. I just ordered a chai tea latte, and when I lolled the foam, I didn't know what to do with all the feelings in my mouth. It's like that. Now I'm eating popcorn.
A fever alone feels like a waste, I like feeling feverish in somebody's company. And I like it when my nose is hot, and I like how uninhibited my dialouge can become when I'm sick. I remember my mom gripping my face when I was sick on the couch, and how it felt like static. And I remember when I broke my wrist, how jolting it was when the woman on the sidewalk stroked my forehead. It's jarring when a stranger touches you in tenderness, though.
How many times has that happened to me? Mostly just when I've been injured.

If I could pay a stranger to touch me, I would want to use the beautiful old woman at Oak's Park who wished me a happy birthday.