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July 05, 2006 - 2:56

I notice that one of my eyes looks even smaller than ever, like it keeps getting slittier as I age. I don't want a lazy eye. I started curling my eyelashes when I was maybe 14, before I was technically allowed to wear make-up, because I was sick about the way that one of my eyelids showed more than the other. I felt that curling my eyelashes masked this asymmetry. I guess this is how it's going to be, then. My eye shape will defy me, for what amounts to nothing more than fun on its part. I'm sick of it.
I just ripped a huge hole in my shirt, over the breast. Luckily, there is a shirt beneath it. But still, I should be sent home when the uppers see this.

.Now I'm supposed to send out "tons" of form e-mails