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August 25, 2006 - 9:42

Yesterday I bought a small bed of mixed greens for 8 dollars + tip (on a to-go order), all because the waitress had teeth and eyelids like Shelley Duvall. That Texan's got a hold on me.
I look like Gothic Mary Poppins today.
Reading about Joseph Cornell makes me wonder if I would be a more productive person if I denied sexuality. On my bike ride this morning, I ticked off a good solid handful of reasons why my existence would be more peaceful if I didn't think of sex. In the past, I've resolved to nix it from my diet completely and ultimately, failed. But if a nun can do it...I mean clearly I am more dedicated than most nuns. And it's not necessarily that I don't appreciate my sex drive; historically I've viewed it as a positive thing, but it's starting to feel like a mistake. To this day I've still never found myself in a position where it was anything but a burden or a source of contention. So I ask you, what's it all about?

I spied myself in a window wearing all black and looking deceptively thin. I rewarded this illusion with a pastry.