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February 27, 2007 - 1:50

I've recently implemented two new pills into my routine, and it's on their account that I believe my face has gone red. I also forgot to brush my teeth this morning, and am wearing a dress that fits only because I invisi-girdled it with ribbon and put a backwards belt over the mess. So I am feeling wildly unappealing.
But I'm wondering if you knew that at least 20 dollars of my money goes towards sustaining the structure of scams every month? It's just a cause I believe in; and to prove it, this morning I wrote them checks for 3 months in advance, and pre-postaged and addressed them to timely distribute as I travel. I wonder if Sioux City would reject my mail if it were addressed to the pimps and prostitutes who work there.
The fact that the most recounted anecdote in my past month is having "no problem." forcefully suggested out of my vocabulary is pretty sad, but if I may reflect again on it, I'd like to say that it has driven me to muster up the balls for gracious alternatives like "Of course,", "Not at all", and "You're very welcome." They were very hard to say at first, but it's rendered my office interactions more delicate and ladylike. It's kind of pleasant actually.
Krystal, this old dude I work with is talking to me about Courtney Taylor right now.

He says they used to know each other back in the day.