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August 20, 2007 - 10:25

The quality of these photos are bad. I'm fine with this if you are.
G'ma's pad, decrepit dog.

Senior Pix
Taken by my sis. Me and little brother, who is my favorite, and sort of bad at smiling. These make me happy, which fits into my life plan for right now, which is just indulging what makes me happy within reason. This may sound like I am contriving what is more or less human reflex, but I didn't realize 'til recently how entrenced in sub- masochism I was and can be, to the point where I arbitrarily deny myself access to the simple things that bring me pleasure, just because I've decided for some reason that they are lame or silly. By virtue of me liking something, it inherently became "lame" to me.
I got drink in my bedroom on Saturday and looked into my eyes for upwards of 15 minutes.

It was alright.