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August 24, 2010 - 12:39

Long, brown horsey hair, no bangs, some layering. Had recently been lightened, she thought it was too light and was going to darken it.
A handsome, angular face. Visible pores around her nose. Slight lips, salmon pink, usually dry. Grey blue eyes, light eyelashes that revealed themselves to very long when she wore mascara, an extreme rarity. A sunken lid, I was envious of her eyelids. You could see the entire shape of the eye beneath them. A thin covering over the eye. Light brown eyebrows, thin by nature. A few sprouting toward the middle, they were sometimes mussed. A thin nose, my Dad used to have her dial the phone with it. She was beginning to have a little bit of flesh around the jawline, but her jaw was strong and square. Teeth, close together and some overlapping. The canines. Brushed them obsessively. Very good teeth, long. Normal ears, large pores in the bed of the ear. I used to want to scrape the skin off of the pores when she wore these particular earrings that had crystal spears. Sometimes stray hairs came out of her chin. She was horribly self-conscious of them, and she passed one on to me. I don't like it either. Beginning to see some lines in the neck, it just looked softer. Average shoulder build, average arm length. Light brown down on her arms. A long scar on her arm from a knife experiment. Deep wrinkles in the knuckles, knobby knuckles, hard working hands. Long nail beds. Such nice nails. No extra meat on the hands. A small upper body. Small chest, smaller than mine even. A pleasant tummy, somewhat rounded, pooched, she hated it. Dry elbows. Hips and butt like mine, maybe a little wider, but less protrusion. Thighs that developed muscle quickly, legs that weren't long or short, like mine I guess. Her knees were beginning to look older. Some flesh above the knee caps that didn't used to be there. Strong, beautiful calves. Sometimes streaked with self-tanner. Good ankles. Her hands are like her feet, no extra meat. You can see the skeleton beneath the skin. Horribly calloused. Cut the sheets calloused. Often stubble on the legs. You can see the veins. A pretty back that had seen some sun. Freckles on her shoulders. She had freckles on her face that were so light, the color of sand. Blonde hair on her upper lip. I've only seen her stomach a couple of times, it was as white and soft as a baby. Her belly button looked kind of like mine. Small and nothing to it. 130 pounds, 5' 6" I think.

From memory.