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November 16, 2010 - 11:32

Lately I'm feeling very frustrated by my seemingly atrophying aptitude for living in the world.
Last night was slap stick: spilled the first bottle of beer from the bed stand, accidentally dumped the second in my face (no, not drunk though I wish I had a scape goat); and then as I was drying my bath off, realized that I was also daubing off a glob of peanut butter near my armpit that I not only failed to wash off, but also have no idea how it got there.
Then the day before that I had ruined a batch of TUBE cookies by baking them on tinfoil, which I thought was a good idea... and two days before that I almost started a fire in my kitchen because I must not know the meaning of "simmer".
I thought of myself as Amelia Bedelia, which was slight solace, but I shouldn't go around like I'm living in a children's book.

I just want to be good at life.