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November 02, 2012 - 1:59

I spoke as a friend to a teacher who once intimidated today. Over the course of a meandering hour long conversation, held from our own separate round table islands, she told me, among other things, that her husband had one of his testicles removed yesterday. I offered no vitally personal information, but I did allow myself to realize that she had very beautiful skin that has weathered the storm of her concerned facial rest pose nicely. Promising for me, though I always tend to think money matters in terms of bodily preservation. Which she has.
I was home for a half hour during the daylight hours. It was spent entirely shoving crackers into my mouth and looking for Wee Bay, who had disappeared though I knew I had said good bye to him 4 hours prior, and there are no wrinkles in time or rabbit holes in my home (known to me). On a hunch I checked the communal apartment basement, where I found him with almost no effort. But he ran, covered in cobwebs and dust bunnies, seemingly terrified of me. His fleeing elicited an overwhelming, fleeting desperation, "No you can't ever stop loving me!". It is moments like these that make you realize how much you need it.
I concluded, incidentally, that Wee Bay somehow opened the kitchen door which leads into the basement. Every star is different: Wee Bay may not shine the brightest, but he is unusually talented at turning knobs.
And then I worked for 6 hours on my feet at a convention center, siphoning high end ladies athletic clothes from the dressing room, where women were discarding them in garbage bag quantities, into the bins from which they came. Not unlike Wee Bay, I may not be the brightest star, but I am actually well suited to this kind of monotonous labor. I suppose it's even mentally stimulating in a backwards fashion. Synapse pistons firing and I just try to take note.
After the sale had ended, they told us to look at the clothing ourselves to see if we liked anything for our own selves. I selected two bras and entered the dressing room, which was communal, and I was immediately confronted with the naked bodies of the women who I had been laboring alongside.
I took the bras and bailed.
Then, I sang karaoke.
I could say more, but I think I've effectively illustrated that today felt strange.
