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February 15, 2013 - 1:49

I wonder about my relationship with flattery.
I am intentionally impotent at accepting hollow compliments from disengaged, and sometimes delusional parties.
Yet, I do very much like to be told that I am attractive by the party that I hope will find me attractive.
I think this is a loosely universal framework that I'm gesturing at, here.
This is also universal, I think: that the tragedy is that it becomes increasingly clear that the need for flattery is a desire, a construct, that I will have to give up with age.
And- even if it weren't the actual case that I become less attractive by the month, it is certainly the case that within a long-term, paced relationship, the necessity for flattery fades. What purpose does it serve? You've been wooed.
You must now reconcile the reality of the unconquerable you with the conquered you. It, apparently, needs no affirmation.
And now you set to the impossible task of never wanting it.
