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2004-09-02 - 10:35 p.m.

There is nary but one fashion trend that I cannot support, or appreciate on any level.

Duster jackets: they don't look good on anybody!

Mid-calf length coats? Fantastic. But add that dumb little cape of fabric on the back, and you've got one terrifying duster jacket on your hands, friend. Re-consider wearing that out tonight, please.

Of course, if you must, you must.

I have a zit above my lip that looks like a herpe.

I felt like Ms. Hanigan this evening, when I scrubbed the bath tub with bleach, and wore a white slip to avoid spots. You know, when she's making the bath tub liquor in lingerie?

I went to Motel to see Anna's display. They were mini stuffed felty animal figurines. My favorite was the mouse eating, or performing oral love, on the bird.

chills 2 go