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November 19, 2012 - 1:28

I looked at my bank account for the first time in two months and realized that I never go anywhere, and rarely spend money.
I haven't bought anything at school except two cups of coffee and one sandwich, and considering that I am there for almost 40 hours a week, I consider this an accomplishment that requires restraint and forethought- Two qualities that I wouldn't normally attribute to myself.
I have also all but given up alcohol for the last two weeks and the prospective future. I've been allowing myself to drink a little once a week, and so far this hasn't been a challenge, which is surprising to me, because I usually drink at least a little daily. I've discovered that I'm not addicted to it (as I feared), but I am an indentured servant to whatever pleasurable habits I fall into developing, which is something I suppose I've always known. I did go through physical withdrawal in the first 6 days, though. Waking up feeling hungover, like somebody who stops coffee might develop a headache.
Next stop in my moderate monasticism is to severely limit my internet usage. This is far more challenging, as I truly think I am addicted to it. Especially when I am avoiding doing homework, or thinking about something upsetting. I would turn it off completely if it weren't for my roommate who needs it more than I do.
I am beginning to hate my slavish dependence on Internet, it's of Devil.

Except for you Diaryland.