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May 15, 2006 - 2:07

This is the conference room.
Across this table I confessed to SK that I allowed her son to watch Kill Bill when he was in my care, even though I suspected she wouldn't have allowed it. It was a strange and vulnerable moment, where I admitted only because I thought she secretly knew and resented me for it.
This is string art from a kit, it forms a sailboat. Once, I had a nightmare that my roommate grabbed it from it's ginger position in the bathroom window, only to have his palm torn up from the exposed nails on it's back-side (this is due to over-zealous hammering on my part.) The next morning I penned a note and stapled it to it's bottom left hand corner: "CAREFUL: Exposed nails in back.
Red blanket, always being sat on when I want to use it. It's a good blanket, filled with down.
On Saturday I moved my piano from my bedroom, to the curio cabinet enclave. Please marvel at this physically trying feat, where I was digging stockinged feet into hard wood floors for leverage.
Sarin & Jeremy, Amelia, Josephine +1 unk.

I wish that somebody would let me name their baby, I would do a good job.